Child Custody and Visitation

Protecting the most vulnerable members of your family
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Child Custody & visitation Attorneys In Bay Area California

Resolving Issues Vital To Your Child’s Future 

Children are often victims in a divorce or a paternity action, overlooked by parents focused on their own anger and pain. While the best interest of the children may be the standard judges are supposed to follow when considering custody and visitation issues, they can often make determinations that do not work well for either party or the children involved.

When parents are able to develop their own custody arrangements, their children benefit. This is, in part, because parents are usually better able to comply with schedules that they have created for themselves. Our law firm helps clients resolve custody and visitation issues in ways that take into account the needs of the family as a whole.

Contact Williams, Drexler, & Mand PC at 925-247-3868  or schedule free initial consultation with a family lawyer today.


We take the time to understand the issues that are unique to each family when helping with child custody and visitation issues. We help clients answer questions such as:


  • Where should the children go to school?
  • Does either parent work irregular hours?
  • Does either parent live out of state?
  • Which events and holidays are most important to the family?
  • Are there drug addictions, family violence or alcohol abuse problems?


Answers to questions like these allow parents to develop custody and visitation proposals that will be in the best interest of the children and work best for them at the same time.


California law requires a determination of both legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody determines how decisions about a child’s schooling, religion, health care and other major life issues will be made. Physical custody determines where a child lives, how much time the children spend with each parent, and the role each parent plays in the lives of the children.

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Clients often request help changing their child custody and visitation arrangements or opposing such a request from the other parent. Our lawyers handle all issues relating to post-judgment disputes and modifications.


Some custody or visitation matters may be difficult. For example, if one parent appears to be unfit to supervise a child or might be a danger to the other parent or the children, standard custody arrangements may not be suitable. Our firm deals with family violence issues, handling restraining orders for our clients that arise from charges of harassment, domestic violence and child abuse.

Call Williams, Drexler, & Mand PC at 925-247-3868 or contact online to schedule a free initial consultation with a family law attorney in the Bay Area California.

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